Sirius Labs Tools

Rdf Surveyor

Thu, Jun 22, 2017
#rdf #sparql #sparql-query #sparql-endpoints #exploration tool

RDF Surveyor is an easy-to-use exploration tool of semantic datasets. Try it here!.

RDF Surveyor can be plugged in any CORS-enabled SPARQL 1.1 endpoint without requiring any installation.

These are some of the features of RDF Surveyor:

  • Intuitive user interface that completely hides the RDF/SPARQL syntax

  • It gives an overview of the repository contents, supports class navigation and individual visualization

  • No installation required for exploring any RDF dataset

  • Works with large datasets such as DBpedia

  • Prepared to work with multilingual datasets

  • The UI adapts to mobile devices

  • RESTful design

The source code is available at